
Anas platyrhynchos

51-71 cm (20-28") Abundant and widespread. Marshes, ponds, swamps, lakes, rivers, bays, city parks.

Male: easily identified. Iridescent green head and neck; yellow bill; narrow white collar; rusty breast; grayish back and sides; black rump; pale tail; orange feet. In flight: white bars on each side of bright blue speculum; underwings light.

Female: resembles many other surface feeding ducks but patchy bill is very helpful. Mottled brown overall; orange bill is marked with black; whitish tail; orange feet. In flight, white bars on each side of bright blue speculum; underwings light. Similar Black Duck is much darker, has flashy white underwings and no white borders on speculum.

Song: soft reedy notes; loud quacking.



Distribution Maps

Mallard distribution map
Mallard distribution map
Mallard winter distribution map
Mallard winter distribution map