American Goldfinch

Carduelis tristis

Also known as: Eastern Goldfinch, Wild Canary

13 cm (5") Common and gregarious. Throughout North America. Weedy fields on dandelions and thistles, roadsides, suburban areas, feeders.

Known as the "Wild Canary".

Male: brilliant yellow with a black cap, wings and tail. White undertail and uppertail coverts.

 Female or Winter Male: dull olive or brownish-gray above. Yellow or grayish-yellow below. White undertail coverts.

Undulating or roller-coaster flight.

Song: canary-like lively twitters, trills and "swee" notes; distinctive "per-chick-o-ree" flight call.



Distribution Maps

American Goldfinch winter distribution map
American Goldfinch winter distribution map
American Goldfinch distribution map
American Goldfinch distribution map