Also known as: Pigeon Hawk
25-36 cm (10-14") Uncommon and widespread. Open coniferous forests, wooded prairies, urban areas; in migration, open country, marshes.
Small dark falcon - pigeon size. Indistinct sideburns; strongly streaked below; long, pointed wings; boldly banded tail.
Male: blue-gray to slaty above; gray and black tail bands.
Female and Immature: dusky brown above; buff tail bands.
In flight; does not hover.
Catches birds in the air.
Song: series of sharp "biks".

Credit: James Bass

Credit: Len Blumin

Credit: nebirdsplus

Credit: Len Blumin

Credit: Bill Thompson / USFWS

Credit: Darryl

Credit: Sage

Credit: HarmonyonPlanetEarth