41 cm (16") Common. Far north in tundra, willow scrub, muskeg and in winter, sheltered valleys. State bird of Alaska.
Similar to Rock Ptarmigan but slightly larger with bigger bill. White wings and black tail year round.
Winter: all white except for black tail; told from Rock Ptarmigan by lack of black eye line.
Summer: more mottled reddish than Rock Ptarmigan. Plumage is patchy white during spring and fall molts.
Song: deep raucous call "go-out, go-out".
Credit: Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Credit: Daniel Leifheit
Credit: squirrelsarehere

Credit: Joseph Dsilva

Credit: USFWSAlaska - Nathan Graff

Credit: USFWSAlaska - Nathan Graff

Credit: Jean-Guy Dallaire