Lesser Goldfinch

Carduelis psaltria

Also known as: Dark-backed Goldfinch

11 cm (4-5") Common. Western United States. Dry bushy fields, gardens, open woods, streams.

Very small finch.

Male: black cap. Either a black or green back (two races exist). Black wings have white on them. Bright yellow underparts including undertail coverts. Male American Goldfinch has white undertail coverts.

Female or Immature: resembles female American Goldfinch but smaller, more greenish with a dark non-contrasting rump and yellow undertail coverts. Female American Goldfinch has a pale contrasting rump and white undertail coverts.

In flight; undulating flight.

Song: sweet rising and falling notes suggest American Goldfinch; descending "tee-yee" call.



Distribution Maps

Lesser Goldfinch winter distribution map
Lesser Goldfinch winter distribution map
Lesser Goldfinch distribution map
Lesser Goldfinch distribution map