Bronzed Cowbird

Molothrus aeneus

22 cm (9") Common but local. Southwestern United States. Open country, croplands, brush, wooded canyons.

Male: black overall with a bronze gloss(no brown head); blue-black wings and tail. Breeding birds have a ruff on back and nape giving them a hunch-back look. Told from similar male Brown-headed Cowbird by longer bill and red eye.

Female: uniformly dark brownish or gray. Told from similar female Brown-headed Cowbird by longer bill and red eye.

Song: like Brown-headed's gurgling, mechanical creaking, guttural "chuck" call.


Distribution Maps

Bronzed Cowbird distribution map
Bronzed Cowbird distribution map
Bronzed Cowbird winter distribution map
Bronzed Cowbird winter distribution map