Spruce Grouse

Falcipennis canadensis

Also known as: Fool Hen

38-43 cm (15-17") Fairly common. Coniferous forests of the north. Very tame. Often seen along roadsides or perched in trees.

Male: gray above, black below; white spots on side; dark throat and breast; red bare skin spots (combs) above eyes; black tail with chestnut tip (western Franklin form has an all black tail).  In courtship, struts, spreads tail, displays red eye combs and rapidly beats wings to attract females.

Female: very tame - easily approached thus nicknamed "fool hen". Variable; mottled reddish to grayish-brown above; black barring on breast and belly. This black barring and short black tail with chestnut tip (western Franklin form has an all black tail) help distinguish it from similar female Blue Grouse and female Ruffed Grouse.

Song: low hooting.

