18 cm (7") Fairly common in western North America. Open country, scattered trees, farmlands, roadsides; prefers higher elevations in summer. Casual east during migration or winter.
Male: beautiful sky blue upperparts, pale blue beneath with no rust like other bluebirds.
Female: brownish-gray above with blue on rump, wings and tail. Grayish-brown breast, not rusty like other bluebirds.
Often hovers above prey, usually insects, before pouncing on them. Also catches insects on the wing like flycatchers.
Song: soft warbling "tru-ly", "few" call.
Credit: Don DesJardin
Credit: Don DesJardin

Credit: oldbilluk

Credit: Jerry Oldenettel

Credit: Dan Hutcheson

Credit: TJfrom AZ

Credit: Andrew Reding