Western Bluebird

Sialia mexicana

18 cm (7") Fairly common. Western United States, southwestern Canada. Open woodlands, orchards, farmlands.

Male: purplish-blue head, throat, wings and tail. Dark rusty breast. Usually some rust on upper back. Grayish white belly. Similar male Eastern Bluebird has a rusty throat, male Lazuli Bunting has white wing bars.

Female: brownish-gray head. Blue wings and tail. Pale gray throat, pale rusty breast. Similar female Eastern Bluebird has a pale rusty throat, not gray.

Nest in tree holes, nest boxes.

Song: "mew" or "few" call.




Distribution Maps

Western Bluebird distribution map
Western Bluebird distribution map
Western Bluebird winter distribution map
Western Bluebird winter distribution map