Northern Flicker

Colaptes auratus

Also known as: Yellowhammer, Clape, Gaffer Woodpecker, Harry-wicket, Heigh-ho, Wake-up, Walk-up, Wick-up, Yarrup, Gawker Bird

32 cm (13") Common. Open woodlands, groves, farms, suburbs.

Brown barred back. Black crescent bib. Male has a mustache.

Three forms exist: Yellow Shafted Flicker east of Rockies has yellow underwings and a black mustache; Red-shafted Flicker west of Rockies has pink underwings and a red mustache; Gilded Flicker in saguaros and deserts in southwestern United States has yellow underwings and a red mustache.

Often on ground.

In flight; shows conspicuous white rump.

Song: loud repeated "flick" and a single "flicker".



Credit: Larry Bond
Credit: Larry Bond

Distribution Maps

Northern Flicker distribution map
Northern Flicker distribution map
Northern Flicker winter distribution map
Northern Flicker winter distribution map