
Aythya americana

46-58 cm (18-23") Fairly common. Ponds, marshes, lakes, bays, estuaries. Diving duck.

Male: large, round, brick-red head; black breast and rear end; grayish sides and back; white underside; grayish blue bill with a black tip. Told from similar male Canvasback by its more rounded head, lighter bill and darker sides and back.

Female: reddish-brown body; darker brown back and wings; darker crown; light eye ring; blue-gray bill with black tip. Similar female scaups are darker with white face patches.

In flight: white belly; light gray stripe on trailing edge of gray wing.

Song: like the "meow" of a cat, quacks.


Distribution Maps

Redhead winter distribution map
Redhead winter distribution map
Redhead distribution map
Redhead distribution map