Snow Bunting

Plectrophenax nivalis

Also known as: Snowflake, Snow Bird, Snowbird

17 cm (7") Fairly common. Breeds in Arctic tundra. In winter across southern Canada to central United States in prairies, weedy fields, shores, roadsides, at feeders. Often travel in large flocks drifting over fields like snowflakes.

Male: black and white. White head and underparts. Black back. Large white wing patch. Nonbreeding: rust on head and back.

Female and Winter Male: rust or brown on upperparts. Large white wing patch. Almost entirely white underneath giving them the appearance of snow flakes as they swirl over winter fields in flocks. Winter male has a white rump, female's is brown.

Song: sharp whistled "teer" or "tew" and musical twitters in flight..
