Tricolored Blackbird

Agelaius tricolor

22 cm (9") It was common in western United States coastal states (southern Oregon to northwestern Baja California) in freshwater marshes, fields, open country. However due to reduced habitat the population has declined by more than 40% in the last decade.

Male: all black with a white-bordered red wing patch. Similar male Red-winged Blackbird's red wing patch is lighter and has a yellow border.

Female: resembles female Red-winged Blackbird but has a solid dark belly and rump.

Highly gregarious, found in flocks.

Song: similar to Red-winged Blackbird's but more nasal and less musical; nasal "kemp" call.



Distribution Maps

Tricolored Blackbird winter distribution map
Tricolored Blackbird winter distribution map
Tricolored Blackbird distribution map
Tricolored Blackbird distribution map