Brewer's Sparrow

Spizella breweri

Also known as: Timberline Sparrow

14 cm (5-6") Fairly common. Western North America. Mountain meadows, sagebrush, desert scrub.

Small slender sparrow. Pale, finely streaked crown. No pale central crown stripe as in similar Clay-colored Sparrow. White eye ring. Light eyebrow stripe. Dark whisker stripe. Brown rump. Clear breast. Resembles fall and winter Clay-colored and Chipping Sparrows but these birds have a central crown stripe and Chipping has a gray rump.

Song: varied long rapid trills on different pitches.


Distribution Maps

Brewer's Sparrow winter distribution map
Brewer's Sparrow winter distribution map
Brewer's Sparrow distribution map
Brewer's Sparrow distribution map