Bullock's Oriole

Icterus bullockii

Also known as: Northern Oriole

22 cm (9") Common. Western Canada, United States. Deciduous woodlands, shade trees, parks and suburban areas.

Adults have a pointed bill.

Male: orange on the underparts, face and rump with black everywhere else; they have a white wing patch. The similar Baltimore Oriole lacks the orange on face and has no large white wing patch.

Female: grey-brown on the upper parts, dull yellow on the breast and belly and has wing bars.

Builds distinctive deep pendant nests. 

The Bullock's Oriole and the Baltimore Oriole at one time were considered to be a single species, the Northern Oriole.  

Song: varied flute-like notes in short phrases - "hew-li" notes; call is a rapid chatter and "hew-li". 



Distribution Maps

Bullock's Oriole distribution map
Bullock's Oriole distribution map