Baltimore Oriole

Icterus galbula

Also known as: Northern Oriole

22 cm (9") Common. Eastern Canada, United States. Deciduous woodlands, shade trees, parks and suburban areas. Builds distinctive deep pendant nests. 

Male: all black head and throat, bright orange underparts, black wings with wing stripes. Similar Bullock's Oriole has orange on face and has a larger white wing-patch.

Female: brownish-olive above with black on face with dull yellow-orange underparts. Similar Bullock's Oriole female is gray-olive above with head and breast yellowish and belly white.

At one time, this species and the Bullock's Oriole were considered to be a single species, the Northern Oriole.

Song: varied flute-like notes in short phrases - "hew-li" notes; call is a rapid chatter and "hew-li".


Distribution Maps

Baltimore Oriole winter distribution map
Baltimore Oriole winter distribution map
Baltimore Oriole distribution map
Baltimore Oriole distribution map