Cinnamon Teal

Anas cyanoptera

38-43 cm (15-17") Common. Marshes, ponds, sewage lagoons, slow moving streams. Mostly a Western duck, especially of arid regions; casual in East. Small surface feeding duck.

Male: cinnamon head, neck and body; blackish back and wings; long dark bill. Interbreeds with Blue-winged Teal.

Female: Mottled brown overall; long dark bill. Looks very similar to females Blue-winged Teal, Green-winged Teal, and Northern Shoveler. Interbreeds with Blue-winged Teal.

In flight: like Blue-winged Teal, light blue patch on forewing, green speculum.

Song: "chuck" notes, soft quack.



Distribution Maps

Cinnamon Teal distribution map
Cinnamon Teal distribution map
Cinnamon Teal winter distribution map
Cinnamon Teal winter distribution map