Bay-breasted Warbler

Dendroica castanea

14 cm (5-6") Common. Northern coniferous forests.

Male: chestnut crown, throat, and sides. Black face. Buffy cream patch on each side of neck. Two white wing bars.

Female: grayish streaked back. White patches on side of neck behind darker ear patch. Two white wing bars. Some chestnut on sides.

Winter and Immature: resemble Blackpoll and Pine Warblers but brighter green above. Unstreaked breast. Two white wing bars. Dark legs. Usually have some buff or chestnut on sides. Buffy or white undertail coverts.

Song: high thin "teesi-teesi-teesi-teesi".


Distribution Maps

Bay-breasted Warbler distribution map
Bay-breasted Warbler distribution map
Bay-breasted Warbler winter distribution map
Bay-breasted Warbler winter distribution map