Yellow-rumped Warbler

Dendroica coronata

Also known as: Audubon's Warbler, Myrtle Warbler

14 cm (5-6") Abundant. Coniferous and mixed woodlands.

Bright yellow rump, crown patch and side patch.

Two forms exist:

Myrtle Warbler: in the north and east has a white throat and males have eyebrow stripe and contrasting black cheek patch.

Audubon's Warbler: in the west has a yellow throat and male has no contrasting cheek patch.

Female and Fall Male and Immatures: Females and fall males have yellow shoulder patches, immatures lack this. Both have bright yellow rumps.

Song: rising or falling trill (Mryrtle) or warble (Audubon's).


Distribution Maps

Yellow-rumped Warbler distribution map
Yellow-rumped Warbler distribution map