Black-throated Blue Warbler

Dendroica caerulescens

13 cm (5") Fairly common in northeastern North America (Appalachians). Deciduous and mixed undergrowth.

Male: clean cut blue, black, and white bird. Black throat, cheeks and sides. Blue-gray back. White below. Bold white patch on dark wing.

Female and Immature: brownish-olive upperparts. Buffy underparts. White eyebrow stripe. Small whitish wing patch.

Song: husky, lazy, "zur, zur, zur, zree" or "I am so la-zy"; sharp junco-like "dit" call.



Credit: Larry Bond

Distribution Maps

Black-throated Blue Warbler distribution map
Black-throated Blue Warbler distribution map
Black-throated Blue Warbler winter distribution map
Black-throated Blue Warbler winter distribution map